Features of the body of girls in childhood and adolescence

Features of the body of girls in childhood and adolescence

Mothers with daughters need to remember that the girl’s body is more fragile than the boy’s body, is more susceptible to various external influences, and the anatomical features of the genitals require special hygiene.

From the moment of birth, the girl needs careful care. Along with the purity of the whole body, it is necessary to strictly observe the purity of its external genital organs. In addition to bathing, after each bowel movement, it is necessary to wash the girl’s genitals with a stream of warm water and soap, directing the movement of the hand from the genitals to the anus.

Systematic washing and washing of a child is not only hygienic, but also educational. From an early age, the girl needs to be accustomed to neatness, the daily toilet of the external genital organs, and the frequent change of panties. Over the years, the need for these procedures is fixed and made a natural necessity.

In the first year of life, rickets are a great danger for the girl – a disease that causes further curvature of the legs and narrowing of the pelvis.

Signs of rickets are sweating of the head, hair loss in the neck, late teething, lagging of the child in the overall development. Bones with rickets become soft, since the calcium necessary for the proper development of the skeleton is not enough deposited in them. They easily bend and lose their normal shape. Therefore, girls need to be especially protected from this disease, because the curvature of the bones of the spine, pelvis and hips leads to a decrease in the size of the pelvis, as a result of which, in adult women, childbirth naturally becomes difficult, and sometimes it becomes impossible.

Of great importance in the prevention of rickets are walks in the fresh air, sufficient insolation, clean air. With insufficient exposure to sunlight, ultraviolet irradiation with a quartz lamp is necessary.

Important for the harmonious development of the girl’s body is proper nutrition. Breastfeeding is a necessary and mandatory condition for this, since in mother’s milk – the natural nutrition of a newborn baby – there are all the necessary substances for the normal formation of his body. In cases when the mother does not have enough milk, you should consult a doctor and timely start appropriate child feeding.

It is necessary to protect the girl from inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, since the woman’s health is laid down in childhood. For example, due to inflammation of the vagina transferred in early childhood, partial or complete overgrowth of the vagina may occur, which in the future makes it impossible to excrete blood during the onset of menstruation and entails the emergence of new diseases.

Infectious diseases (tuberculosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, mumps, etc.), transferred in childhood, also often have a negative effect on the condition of the girl’s genitals. Damage to the ovaries and other parts of the reproductive apparatus in childhood and adolescence can lead to adverse consequences, for example, delay their development or the formation of the whole body of a girl.

At the age of 8–13 years, girls’ ovarian growth intensifies and their hormonal function begins to manifest. In this regard, to some extent, the balance is disturbed during physiological processes; occurring in the body of a girl. Her nervous system often loses stability; before, a calm girl suddenly becomes irritable, sleeps poorly, and loses her appetite. Therefore, during this period, when communicating with the girl, special care, patience and tact should be shown.

High-grade food, containing a sufficient amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins, is beneficial for the growing body. A very important condition for the proper development of the girl is normal sleep. At the age of 7-12 years, sleep should last at least 10 hours, at the age of 12-16 years – 8-9 hours.

As the girl grows and develops, physical exercise, staying in the air, and hardening the body become increasingly important for her proper formation. They increase blood circulation, improve digestion, create a cheerful mood, strengthen muscles, nervous system, increase working capacity. It has been established that in physically active women, underdevelopment of the genital organs is less common and menstrual function is disturbed. As a rule, they give birth easily, quickly and relatively painlessly, rarely have a complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth. The period of sexual wilt in them also passes easily, without any special painful sensations.

Moms of daughters need to remember that regular emptying of the bladder and intestines is of great importance for the proper development of the internal genital organs of girls. However, sometimes girls have the habit of delaying urination and intestinal administration for a long time, which adversely affects the state of the uterus and appendages. Chronic constipation, urinary retention – one of the common causes of uterine bending, inflammation of the appendages. Both fresh and dry fruits, vegetables, and brown bread have a laxative effect on the intestines. From time to time with constipation, mild laxatives can be used, but their use in childhood is best limited.

At school age, the body grows faster. At this time, it is especially necessary to monitor the girl’s posture. If the child’s body position is incorrect or weights are heavy, changes can occur from the side of the pelvic bones, curvature of the spine, posterior bending of the uterus, which in the future often leads to its loss.

During puberty (from about 12 to 16 years), secondary sexual characteristics of the female body are formed. Under the influence of ovarian hormones entering the bloodstream, a noticeable growth of the body occurs, first in length and then in breadth. Breast glands begin to develop, the uterus grows, hairiness appears on the pubis and in the armpits, menstruation occurs. At the same time, there is interest in the opposite sex.

The appearance of menstruation, as well as secondary sexual characteristics earlier than ten years should be considered as premature puberty. The causes of premature puberty are most often some tumors (ovaries, adrenal cortex or pituitary gland). At the same time, the girl’s mammary glands begin to increase, hairiness appears on the pubis. The girl in height and weight overtakes her peers, she has menstruation. The mental development of the child corresponds to his age. After removal of the tumor, all these phenomena disappear, and the child further develops normally.

However, we should not forget that recently, due to the phenomenon of acceleration, most adolescents may experience accelerated puberty, which is not a pathology.

The onset of menstruation at the age of 16-18 years speaks of late puberty. In the absence of menstruation in a girl who has reached the age of 15, one should first of all think about delayed sexual development, or infantilism. Delayed sexual development may be due to past general diseases or dysfunction of the endocrine glands, including the ovaries. Sometimes there may be a delay in the development of the whole organism as a whole. In this case, the child’s body structure is observed not according to age, or a violation of its proportions (excessively long limbs, high growth, sometimes significant deposition of fat on the body), and underdevelopment of the genitals.

With sexual infantilism, there is a delay in the development of the genital organs, including the uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina, and the uterus is in the wrong position. In the later life of girls and women, infantilism contributes to the violation of menstrual, sexual and reproductive functions. Menstruation comes late. They are scarce, painful or, conversely, plentiful. The rhythm of menstruation is not established for a long time. As a result, such women are infertile or incapable of bearing a pregnancy. They often have sexual coldness, increased irritability, headaches. Therefore, it is very important in childhood to prevent and cure this violation in a timely manner.

Along with caring for the physical health of the child, parents bear great responsibility for the correct moral, including sexual, education. In the upbringing of the girl, the main role belongs to the mother. A mother should gradually prepare her daughter for that period of life when she will say goodbye to her childhood and enter the time of youth with her dreams, desires and searches. Unfortunately, parents do not always have a clear idea of ​​sex education, which is why they avoid talking with children about this topic. Meanwhile, the correct development of the girl’s body, especially during puberty, is inextricably linked with proper sexual education.

Years of puberty are difficult years for the psyche of a teenager. New sensations, desires appear, a sense of pride increases. A careless or untimely remark made can easily destroy the world of dreams and enthusiasm in which a teenager lives. When talking with the daughter of the mother, one should not speak in the tone of notations, teachings, and even more so threats. This should be the advice of an older girlfriend.


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