Hygiene during menstruation

Hygiene during menstruation

The history of the use of hygiene products used during menstruation dates back thousands of years. Even in ancient Egypt, women used a semblance of modern tampons tightly rolled up from the canvas, inserted directly into the vagina. As a consequence, this type of hygiene was forgotten, and over the years, women used simply improvised means up to the edge of their own clothes missing between the legs. Later, home-made reusable dressings appeared, and only in our century – disposable dressings and special panties.

Today, for complete hygiene during menstruation, either hygiene bags (pads) or sanitary tampons are used.

Sanitary pads are placed on the outside of the labia and are fixed to the linen using adhesive strips located on the outside of the panty liner (the absence of these adhesive strips indicates poor quality of the panty liner, making it extremely uncomfortable and unreliable). They absorb menstrual flow already outside the vagina, and therefore should be long enough and wide so that the discharge does not stain the laundry. When using pads, the skin and hair will certainly get wet and sticky, so you need to change them quite often and it is advisable to wash yourself.

A sanitary tampon is inserted into the middle of the vagina. A correctly inserted tampon is practically not felt, does not limit freedom of movement and does not shift itself during movements, and, of course, is invisible. Located directly in the vagina, the swab absorbs menstrual flow, while expanding, tightly fitting to the walls of the vagina. Obviously, the discharge does not enter the external genitalia, so there is no unpleasant odor and discomfort from the released moisture.

Young girls can start using tampons from the first menstruation after consulting with a gynecologist. Under the influence of hormones, the hymen ceases to be a rigid film, becomes elastic, it has a natural opening through which the vaginal discharge leaves the body. Through this hole, you can easily insert and remove the swab. It is best to use a tampon of the smallest size (mini) first.

You can again begin to use tampons after childbirth from the moment of the resumption of menstruation, it is only possible that in this case you will have to choose a different size of the tampon, since the discharge in most cases will be more plentiful.

However, when using tampons, it must be remembered that it should be in the vagina for no more than 3 hours. Such limitations are associated with the fact that by preventing the free flow of blood, the tampon creates conditions conducive to the development of pathological microorganisms. In the future, this can lead to inflammation of various parts of the female reproductive system.

The genitals should always be clean and dry, and during menstruation they naturally require more care. Shower or bath should be taken both in the morning and in the evening. When using hygienic bags (pads), you need to wash much more often – because at the same time, menstrual flow inevitably falls on the skin and hair.

During menstruation, in many women, the skin becomes paler. Therefore, you need to monitor your diet – during this period, the body especially needs vitamins and minerals. A good sleep and stay in the fresh air are also useful.

In women during menstruation, skin problems worsen. The main reason for this is the unbalanced action of hormones. Therefore, every day the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleaned of dust, sweat, makeup, etc. accumulated during the day. For this, it is better to use only the most reliable products (lotion or milk) specially designed for sensitive skin. If possible, it is also advisable to consult a dermatologist who will give more extensive recommendations.

When using tampons as hygiene products, you can continue to engage in physical education (including swimming in the pool, in the river or in the sea), while, of course, do not overwork and supercool.


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