The early onset of menopause is largely associated with constitutional and hereditary features, as well as with past diseases. Unfavorable living conditions, labor, malnutrition accelerate the aging of the body. Early menopause can also occur as a result of metabolic disorders (obesity or exhaustion), as a result of physical and mental injuries, as well as previous diseases of the genital apparatus.

Often the cause of premature menopause are repeated artificial abortions. It should be noted that the earlier the menstruation stops, the earlier the climacteric period appears and the harder the course, and vice versa, the later the menstruation stops, the weaker the unpleasant phenomena associated with this condition are. Researchers have found that in women with early onset of menstruation, menopause occurs later.

Late menopause is most often the result of any painful processes in the genital apparatus, for example, uterine fibroids or developing uterine cancer. After the final cessation of menstruation, the so-called menopause occurs.

One of the most characteristic signs of menopause is the cessation of regular menstruation, and in some women, menstruation stops immediately, in others – gradually. At first, they become shorter and less plentiful, the gaps between them are increasing. Then menstruation stops completely. For some women, menstruation does not occur for 3-6 months, then several times it can come regularly, and then menopause occurs.

In the genital organs, during this period, corresponding changes occur: the ovaries shrink and decrease, their functions weaken. Normal follicles stop developing, they lose the ability to secrete full-fledged eggs and form yellow bodies. However, there are cases when, during menopause, a normal ovum matures in the ovary. This explains the facts of pregnancy and childbirth at a very late age.

Major rearrangement occurs in other endocrine glands, especially in the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and thyroid gland. All these phenomena lead to changes both in the genital apparatus and throughout the body. The uterus is reduced in size, the vagina narrows, shortens, its mucous membrane becomes thinner and smoother. The protective properties of the vaginal wall are reduced. Adipose tissue on the pubis and labia gradually disappears. The hair here is thinning and turning gray.

The shape and appearance of the woman also changes. Most of them, due to metabolic disorders, have increased fat deposition, especially on their hips, abdomen and hard glands. Some women, on the contrary, lose weight. Their fat layer disappears, skin elasticity is lost. These changes, sooner or later, occur in all women.

In some women, menopause is asymptomatic. They do not experience painful sensations, they feel healthy and efficient. In some cases, in connection with this period, there are either very noticeable disturbances in the vital functions of the body, or complications that can be considered as a serious painful condition.

The manifestations of the menopause can be extremely diverse. The most unpleasant during this period are vascular disorders: flushing of blood to the head, face and other parts of the body. The face, neck and chest at the same time sharply redden and become covered with profuse sweat. Sweating also happens without any dependence on hot flashes, which usually last only a few seconds or a few minutes. Such sudden paroxysmal flushes of blood happen without any reason several times a day, day and night, sometimes it even deprives a woman of sleep. When the tide ends, the blood rushes to the internal organs and the skin turns pale again, the woman feels tired, broken and is often overcome by drowsiness.

The result of vascular disorders can sometimes be pain in the heart, causeless anxiety, unconscious fear, and sometimes fainting. Some women complain of palpitations, dizziness, noise and ringing in the ears. Due to vascular disorders, changes in blood pressure appear: during menopause, it is subject to frequent fluctuations. This explains the fact that some women get cold and numb feet, and some experience a crawl.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the state of the nervous system, some women may have neuropsychiatric disorders (insomnia, which either has no particular cause or is caused by bouts of blood flow, sweating, etc.). In this state, a woman often wakes up, cannot fall asleep for a long time, which is usually associated with nervous excitement and tension, which exhaust the body.

Many complain of headaches such as migraines, often coinciding with menstruation. If menstruation has stopped, headaches may coincide with the days when it should be. In rare cases, headaches can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, general weakness, weakness. During this period, women have an unusual suspiciousness, a tendency to causeless insults, whims, their mood changes quickly, which is why they often come into conflict with others. It happens that after a more or less long delay in menstruation, and sometimes without it, a woman begins to bleed. Such bleeding can be sparse, then profuse and, as a rule, prolonged. This is usually due to a violation of the hormonal function of the endocrine glands, in particular the function of the ovaries.

Prolonged bleeding weakens the body, lowers its resistance. In addition, prolonged spotting bleeding can be a manifestation of more serious diseases, such as cancer of the genital apparatus. That is why in no case should you treat these symptoms calmly – you must definitely see a gynecologist.

During menopause, a woman can sometimes be bothered by itching of the external genital organs. Such itching can appear due to changes in the nervous system, as a result of the cessation of hormonal activity of the ovaries, with a chronic inflammatory process of the genital organs, diabetes mellitus, or due to other reasons.

Deviations from the norm on the part of sexual feelings are also associated with neuropsychic disorders and congestion in the pelvic organs. In most women, during this period, the sexual feeling weakens, even disappears, but there are also opposite phenomena – an increase in sexual desire and excitability. This is mainly due to a rush of blood to the genitals, as well as the disappearance of the fear of becoming pregnant. An important role in this is played by the heightened awareness that the heyday is irrevocably leaving.

Significant disturbances in the menopause are manifested by the digestive organs. Constipation, bloating, nausea, and sometimes colicky pains may occur. All these symptoms can easily occur in the physiological, i.e. normal course of the menopause period, they gradually disappear without a trace.

Every woman can avoid the unpleasant phenomena of menopause by regularly taking measures to prevent their development. To do this, you need to be as much as possible in the fresh air, enough to sleep, to engage in physical education.

Contrast tides are useful in contrast foot baths. To do this, hot water is poured into one basin (temperature 40–45 ° C), and cold water in another (temperature 8–12 ° C). Feet should be kept in cold water for 30 seconds, in hot – up to 2 minutes. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times, ending it with cold water. Contrast foot baths at bedtime are good distractions for hot flashes and insomnia. In addition to them, the general warm baths are revitalizing and invigorating with the addition of sea salt, soda and pine extract, as they positively affect the neurovascular apparatus of the skin.

To prevent obesity, which often accompanies the period of menopause, you need to walk more, especially in the fresh air, take daily walks, engage in light sports. Since at this age most women have constipation, it is necessary to regulate the function of the intestines – before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a glass of kefir, eat 10-12 pieces of dried prunes. Light natural laxatives (almond and dill water) also act favorably.

In addition, the proper nutrition of a woman is of great importance. It should be less plentiful and more complete than before. High-grade food is considered to contain all the substances necessary for the body: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins in optimal proportions. Fats, especially animals, in menopause should be consumed in limited quantities. They are worse digested, stored in the body, causing obesity. In addition, they contain cholesterol, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.

In the climacteric period, the correct organization of work and rest is of great importance for a woman. A woman who is engaged in work can endure climacteric phenomena more easily than not working. Sleep during this period should last at least 7-8 hours a day; You should go to bed early and get up earlier. Before going to bed, it is advisable to take walks in the fresh air.

Treatment of women suffering from painful symptoms of menopause is usually carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. This treatment may be different, but the most common and effective at the present time is the hormonal treatment of menopausal disorders. Hormone treatment has a substitute and regulatory value. It restores impaired functions of the central nervous system and endocrine glands.

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