Intestinal recovery with antibiotic

Intestinal recovery with antibiotic

Antibiotics are a group of drugs that cope well with many infectious diseases. Moreover, such drugs have a wide range of contraindications and side effects. Antibiotic drugs negatively affect not only pathogenic microflora, but also beneficial bacteria.

After antibiotics, the whole body suffers, but, first of all, the negative impact of such treatment affects the intestines. It is the intestinal mucosa that is most affected by pathogens, since this surface tissue ensures the absorption of nutrients necessary for the body.

Disturbance of microflora caused by antibacterial therapy entails a loss of natural protection, as well as a violation of metabolic and digestive processes. On the other hand, there is no need to panic fear of antibiotics and categorically refuse them. In some diseases, antibiotic therapy cannot be dispensed with, for example, purulent tonsillitis, pneumonia, and sepsis.

Proper use of these drugs can eliminate the risk of unwanted complications. As you know, each bacterium has its own antibiotic. Therefore, before prescribing the drug, the doctor prescribes a bacteriological analysis to identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to drugs.

Together with antibiotics, it is necessary to use agents that contribute to the normalization of microflora. This will avoid the development of dysbiosis. In addition, in no case can you independently interrupt the treatment course while improving well-being, this is fraught with the development of resistance, that is, the addiction of microorganisms to the action of the antibiotic.

Low-quality antibiotic pills, unreasonable medication without the consent of a doctor, and use in viral diseases can provoke malfunctions in the intestines. Any antibiotic is capable of causing dysbacteriosis, but most often, tetracyclines, fungicides become a violation of the microflora composition.

If after treatment the patient has diarrhea, pain, rumbling in the abdomen, discomfort, this most likely indicates a violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora. As a result, dysbiosis can lead to a weakening of the immune system, frequent allergic reactions, as well as disruption of the digestive process. In this article, we will talk in detail about how to restore the intestines after antibiotics, but first, find out why it is worth doing.

Why does the intestine need to be restored?

In some cases, an intestinal upset goes away by itself and does not require special treatment. But unfortunately, this does not always happen. Such a development of events can occur in people with strong immunity, but in young children and the elderly, the body’s resistance does not withstand such an attack of pathogens.

Depending on the severity of seeding and the aggressiveness of the pathogen, antibiotics are divided into two groups:

  • associated with diarrhea, that is, causing diarrhea;
  • associated with colitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine.

Dysbiosis manifests itself in the form of repeated digestive disorders. A person develops chronic diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating. A violation of the concentration of attention occurs, anxiety appears. Amid a deterioration in appetite, weight loss occurs.

Attention! In ninety percent of cases, antibiotic therapy causes dysbiosis.

Separately, colitis should be noted as a complication of antibiotic therapy. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as feces with impurities of blood and mucus, fever, cramping and abdominal pain, dehydration, palpitations, arterial hypotension. The disease is developing rapidly. It can lead to perforation of the intestinal wall and death.

Experts distinguish four main degrees of bowel damage:

  • At this stage, the enzymatic activity is preserved, but the number of beneficial bacteria is reduced. Patients worsen appetite, diarrhea, flatulence, and other dyspeptic disorders appear.
  • The percentage of opportunistic microorganisms is significantly increased. There are abdominal pains, diarrhea alternates with constipation, there is constant nausea, bloating. A person becomes emotionally unstable, his ability to work and stress are reduced. At this stage, hypovitaminosis forms and anemia can develop. An allergic skin rash is present.
  • A sharp decrease in healthy microflora occurs, along with atypical representatives of microbiocenosis.
  • Healthy microflora is completely replaced by pathogenic microorganisms. The condition is accompanied by symptoms of severe intoxication and dehydration.

Methods used

Restoring the intestines after antibiotics includes a whole range of measures involving the correction of nutrition and lifestyle. A gastroenterologist will help you choose an individual rehabilitation program. Bad habits like smoking and alcohol abuse negatively affect the bowel.

Treatment begins with a diagnostic examination. After determining the root cause, treatment begins with an improvement in intestinal motility. As a supplement, a specialist can prescribe antispasmodics, choleretic, as well as enzymatic agents. Further, more about each of the methods by which we restore the intestines.


After an antibacterial course, it is necessary to ensure the intake of beneficial microorganisms into the body that improve the condition of the intestine. For this purpose, probiotics are prescribed. This group of drugs restores the destroyed microflora, normalizes the intestines, and also improves the ability to absorb nutrients.

Important! Probiotics are used not only to treat dysbiosis, but also for prophylaxis during antibiotic therapy.


Nutrition plays a key role in intestinal rehabilitation after antibiotic therapy. It is recommended to eat healthy foods that will not create an aggressive environment in the intestines.

Experts recommend enriching your diet with such products:

  • cereals;
  • berries and greens;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • juices and fruit drinks;
  • dried fruits;
  • dairy products.

If the intestines are disturbed, fruits and berries with a high content of ascorbic acid should be excluded. With constipation, the diet should be enriched with products with a laxative effect: beets, prunes, fruits, oatmeal. A special role in disorders in the intestines is played by vegetables and fruits rich in fiber:

  • apples, plums, peaches, apricots, bananas;
  • carrots, pumpkin, beets, celery, eggplant, cabbage.

It is useful to include in the menu products that are natural prebiotics: legumes, cereals, chicory. Fasting is recommended to drink natural water. Such a good habit helps to increase the number of probiotics in the intestines. Have to give up fried, smoked, pickled food. Dishes with spicy sauces and seasonings irritate the intestines, so they are also prohibited.

It is necessary to refuse also from other products:

  • alcohol
  • onions and garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • greasy seafood;
  • semi-finished products;
  • flour products.

So, the intestines need to be restored after a course of antibiotic therapy. Antibacterial agents effectively fight many infectious pathologies, while they also have a negative effect on beneficial bacteria. The proper use of antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor can reduce the likelihood of dysbiosis.

You can restore the intestines with drugs. For this purpose, probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed. As an aid, simple recipes for traditional medicine will help. Proper nutrition is another important element in the process of rehabilitation after an antibacterial course.

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