Polycystic Inheritance in Women

Polycystic Inheritance in Women

Last year, doctors once again revised their views on polycystic ovary. The main role in solving the problem is played by the so-called insulin resistance. Body tissues no longer respond to the hormone insulin. Why it is being developed more and more. The ovaries immediately respond to this failure. They begin to secrete an excess of male hormones. Under such conditions, egg maturation is impossible.

In this regard, approaches to the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome have slightly changed. In case of deviations from the norm, women are prescribed a diet for diabetics and medicines that control blood sugar. They affect the level of male hormones.

And another new trend is the appointment of drugs with leptin. This hormone regulates appetite, which helps to maintain a diet. As a result, patients lose weight faster and with less effort. In parallel, their ovarian condition improves.

Defective genes

For a long time, doctors could not understand where this tricky syndrome comes from. But then it turned out – genes are guilty of its development. And the whole set is almost 100 pieces.

True, doctors can only diagnose 5–11 culprit genes so far. But this is already a lot. In addition, drugs are already being created abroad that can block defective genes. So soon the first medicines for the prevention of polycystic ovary syndrome will appear in the arsenal of doctors. And the daughters of today’s patients will be spared a lot of problems. The insidious syndrome they do not manifest.

Mom’s pregnancy

There is another interesting discovery. Doctors have found that polycystic ovary syndrome can be “laid” in girls in the womb. If the fetus is malnourished, a special “stock program” is included in its genital system. And then, throughout life, the body continues to save eggs by inertia – in case of a new “starvation”.

That is why during the gestation of daughters it is so important to monitor the condition of the baby’s main organ of nutrition – the placenta. If there are disturbances in blood flow, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios – it is necessary to be treated. Especially if the mother had polycystic disease before pregnancy.

Spontaneous improvement

There is good news for mature patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Menopause with this diagnosis usually occurs later than in healthy women. On average, for two years. The secret is that polycystic ovaries from birth contain more follicles. Plus, throughout life, the body protects them. Without medical help, the eggs do not mature on their own. Therefore, up to adulthood, women with this problem have a good ovarian reserve. Unlike those who received monthly ovulation.

In addition, the severity of the syndrome may decrease with age. Especially those who monitor their weight, play sports, eat quality food. After all, lifestyle either awakens or euthanizes the disease. Even despite the fact that genes are guilty of its development.

Therefore, at the age of 35–38, women with polycystic ovary syndrome can spontaneously recover and become pregnant. This unexpected event may catch a woman by surprise. Which is understandable. Indeed, the ladies living with this ailment from 14-16 years, for many years get used to their infertility. And here – the body presents such a surprise.

This feature must be borne in mind. Do not get involved in alcohol, smoking. Avoid any harmful effects. Take vitamins to prevent fetal malformations. Indeed, in later children, their risk increases.

Hormone insurance

However, women with polycystic disease have an increased risk of “female cancer”. And if earlier it was only about endometrial tumors, now the ovaries themselves have come under attack. Due to the chronic lack of the hormone progesterone, real tumors can develop in them. Therefore, preventive treatment is so relevant.

First of all, this is a long-term intake of hormonal contraceptives. They include two female hormones, one of them is progesterone. In women with polycystic it is not produced on its own. But it is he who protects the genital organs from degeneration of cells.

But if this option is not suitable for a woman, there is an alternative – taking one progesterone in the second phase of the cycle.

In addition, doctors are considering the antitumor effect of diabetes drugs. Based on them, drugs are created for “female cancer.”

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