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Month: February 2020

Sexually Transmitted Diseases. General Information

Sexually Transmitted Diseases. General Information

Human sexual relations, which are a source of joy and happiness, can bring great suffering, as many different infectious diseases are sexually transmitted. To date, these diseases are widespread and remain a serious social and moral problem. There are about 50 of them: this, syphilis, gonorrhea; diseases caused by ureaplasma, chlamydia, trichomonads, pubic lice, viruses (herpes, papillomaviruses, etc.), yeast, protozoa, and many others. All of them are dangerous, cause serious complications, and some are even fatal. Diseases that used to…

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The early onset of menopause is largely associated with constitutional and hereditary features, as well as with past diseases. Unfavorable living conditions, labor, malnutrition accelerate the aging of the body. Early menopause can also occur as a result of metabolic disorders (obesity or exhaustion), as a result of physical and mental injuries, as well as previous diseases of the genital apparatus. Often the cause of premature menopause are repeated artificial abortions. It should be noted that the earlier the menstruation…

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Features of the body of girls in childhood and adolescence

Features of the body of girls in childhood and adolescence

Mothers with daughters need to remember that the girl’s body is more fragile than the boy’s body, is more susceptible to various external influences, and the anatomical features of the genitals require special hygiene. From the moment of birth, the girl needs careful care. Along with the purity of the whole body, it is necessary to strictly observe the purity of its external genital organs. In addition to bathing, after each bowel movement, it is necessary to wash the girl’s…

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Hygiene during menstruation

Hygiene during menstruation

The history of the use of hygiene products used during menstruation dates back thousands of years. Even in ancient Egypt, women used a semblance of modern tampons tightly rolled up from the canvas, inserted directly into the vagina. As a consequence, this type of hygiene was forgotten, and over the years, women used simply improvised means up to the edge of their own clothes missing between the legs. Later, home-made reusable dressings appeared, and only in our century – disposable…

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9 symptoms of female diseases that you should not ignore

9 symptoms of female diseases that you should not ignore

Changes that occur inside the body are accompanied by external signs that often indicate acute or chronic diseases. Some symptoms may indicate serious pathologies that threaten not only health but also life. You can cure them by contacting gynecology. Vaginal discharge In women, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the vagina secretes a slightly cloudy, thick fluid that protects the uterus from infections. This process is considered the norm, but sometimes the discharge differs…

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17 secrets that your gynecologist will not tell

17 secrets that your gynecologist will not tell

Examination of the reproductive system for women after 20 years is an obligatory annual procedure. Many seriously delay a visit to the gynecologist only because they have prejudices and fears. To dispel them will help a few important secrets that experts share. Your doctor doesn’t care if you do hair removal or not. The attention of the gynecologist during the examination is focused on the condition of the genitals. He is not interested in how a woman takes care of…

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Drugs to increase potency in women

Drugs to increase potency in women

A modern lifestyle provokes constant stresses and experiences that negatively affect the state of women’s health. The libido is broken, the woman ceases to enjoy intimate relationships. Special preparations for activating potency in women will help to correct this situation: gels, drops, tablets, creams. They have a positive effect on sexual desire, a woman begins to experience an orgasm, but they should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Potency problems in women should be addressed in conjunction with…

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Why in the early or late stages of pregnancy is hot

Why in the early or late stages of pregnancy is hot

The emergence of a new life determines the restructuring of the body to a new rhythm. All internal organs receive signals warning that they will have to function with a double load. Any changes become the result of the fact that during the period of bearing the baby his mother experiences different sensations, often directly throws her into a fever. Why is pregnant hot An increase in temperature in pregnant women or a rush is not a deviation, but the…

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First month of pregnancy

First month of pregnancy

Usually, the first month of pregnancy passes completely unnoticed for the expectant mother and is called the “month of ignorance” about her new position. Of course, internal changes are quite global, but there are no pronounced changes in the appearance and well-being of women. The thing is that the beginning of pregnancy occurs with maturation and leaving a mature egg and its fertilization in the genital tract of a woman. Fertilization occurs approximately two weeks after the start of the…

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Why during menstruation increases weight – diet during menstruation

Why during menstruation increases weight – diet during menstruation

Many ladies who have just recently declared a brutal war on excess fat sometimes get into a stupor – the arrows of the scales sharply move a couple of divisions forward, although there were no special eating disorders or training before. The answer to the important question why during menstruation increases weight even on a strict diet or other effective weight loss technique lies in the physiology of the female body – body weight always increases before menstruation. The reason…

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