Inflammation of the appendages in women: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the appendages in women: symptoms and treatment

Every caring mother teaches her daughter from an early age to take care of her female health: dress warmer in the weather, not sit in the cold. In adulthood, childhood neglect can turn into a disease. This article will examine inflammation of the appendages in women: symptoms and treatment. Doctors interpret the concept of inflammation of the appendages as inflammation of the tube, ligaments and tissue of the ovary and call it adnexitis. Learn about the forms of the disease, symptoms, and treatments.

Causes of adnexitis

The main cause of inflammation of the appendages are microorganisms that have fallen into the cavity of the tube. Sexually transmitted infection: pathogens of gonococcus, chlamydia, trichomonas, and E. coli provoke the female body to develop the disease, especially if a woman has immunity weakened, she suffers from frequent overwork, nervous strain. Often inflammation of the appendages occurs after childbirth or abortion, as a complication.

The main signs and symptoms

Often the symptoms of adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages) are similar to signs of appendicitis, only an experienced doctor can make the correct diagnosis. Drawing, sharp or muffled pains in the lower abdomen directly indicate that an urgent examination by a gynecologist is necessary. With various forms of inflammation of the appendages, body temperature can be from normal to 39 C. What is the difference between the symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries and appendages at different stages of the disease?

In acute form

The acute form of adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages) occurs when an infection enters the pelvic organs of a woman against severe hypothermia. Often with a diagnosis of acute inflammation of the appendages, inpatient treatment is recommended. During the acute form of adnexitis is observed:

  • sharp pain on one side of the abdomen or on both at once, which gives back to the lower back and legs;
  • high body temperature, reaching 39 C, chills, fever;
  • severe severe pain during an intimate act;
  • copious uncharacteristic discharge of purulent color, sometimes foamy;
  • frequent painful urination, as with cystitis;
  • painful period of menstruation, violation of the cycle.

In chronic

Untreated, acute salpingo-orophitis (inflammation of the appendages) threatens to develop into a chronic one, which will often “remind” of oneself, especially in the off-season. For chronic inflammation of the appendages during exacerbation are characteristic:

  • frequent dull aching pain in the groin, in the vagina;
  • severe pain before and during menstruation;
  • violation of the cycle;
  • persistent, albeit scanty, discharge;
  • long-term holding temperature of 37.0 -37.6 C;
  • decreased libido, pain during the act;
  • violation of patency in the pipes, the appearance of adhesions;
  • the inability to have a desired pregnancy with regular sex;

With latent

Sluggish, without vivid symptoms inflammation of the uterus, is called latent. This is the most dangerous form, since the disease can progress asymptomatically, causing only slight malaise, insomnia, lethargy. In the absence of severe pain, women rarely go to the hospital for help. Gynecology in this case, as a cause, is considered even less often. Against the background of latent adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages), processes begin in the appendages, which lead to adhesions, and then to complete infertility.

Diagnostic Methods

When a woman contacts a gynecologist with relevant complaints, an examination should be prescribed, on the basis of which the diagnosis is made. After analyzing the nature of complaints, the presence of concomitant colds or gynecological diseases, the doctor examines the patient. A bimanual examination simultaneously through the vagina and abdominal wall helps determine if the uterus and appendages are enlarged. Particular attention is paid to painful points.

An examination with an ultrasound machine is prescribed to clarify the sizes of possible increases in the fallopian tubes, ovaries and confirm the alleged diagnosis of inflammation of the appendages. A photo is taken so that it is possible to trace the dynamics after treatment. Ultrasound diagnosis helps to detect foci of inflammation, possible abscesses in the pelvis. Using bacteriological culture, the doctor will select the necessary antibiotics for the treatment of inflammation of the appendages.

To find out about the presence of microorganisms that caused inflammation of the appendages in women: the main symptoms and treatment of which are determined by the doctor, a secretion is taken from the vagina and cervical canal and transferred to the laboratory. When a certain infectious group is sown in the microflora, the doctor recommends that the sexual partner also undergo a thorough examination. Full recovery cannot occur when treating only one partner.

How to treat inflammation of the appendages in women

Like any disease, inflammation of the appendages in women: symptoms and proper treatment should be determined by a qualified doctor. A timely diagnosis of adnexitis and properly prescribed drugs and procedures will quickly remove the painful symptoms of inflammation of the appendages. Fully complied with the instructions of the gynecologist will relieve the negative consequences in the form of infertility, surgery.


Using an integrated approach to treatment, the doctor prescribes electrophoresis with absorbable drugs such as aloe. The use of ultrasound, laser devices to treat inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes help the body recover faster. Treatment with mud and mineral baths of a certain temperature according to reviews gives a very good positive effect.

Surgical intervention

In complex neglected cases, when the disease of the inflammation of the appendages progresses quickly, surgical intervention is indispensable. The operation is prescribed when the examination revealed purulent formations in the fallopian tubes. Laparoscopy is less traumatic and has a short recovery period after surgery. In the presence of a large amount of pus, multiple adhesions of the abdominal cavity, peritonitis, which can lead to death, a classic operation is prescribed by cutting the abdominal wall.

Possible complications and disease prevention

With incorrect or untimely treatment, infertility develops. In some advanced cases, the female organs are surgically removed. To avoid this, you need to be examined by a gynecologist regularly, maintain the body’s immunity, and avoid abortion. Good personal hygiene and a consistent partner will help you avoid getting infectious diseases.

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