Cervical dysplasia – what is it

Cervical dysplasia – what is it

The state of the reproductive system determines the patient’s health, therefore it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist for prevention. One of the dangerous diagnoses of the female body is cervical dysplasia. The disease is difficult to treat, it is a precancerous condition. The squamous epithelium lining the walls of the cervix is involved in the abnormal process.

What is cervical dysplasia

The disease catches up with patients 25-35 years old, threatens with diagnosed infertility and the formation of squamous cancer cells. Uterine dysplasia is an abnormal change in the structure of cells in the tissues of the vaginal mucosa, which is prone to the formation of malignant tumors. In order for the pathology not to develop into cancer, it is necessary to timely proceed to intensive therapy, especially since delay is fraught with death for the patient. To understand the whole threat to health, it is important to find out what the focus of the pathology looks like, what are the reasons for the unauthorized appearance.


The etiology of pathology is considered the beginning of a successful treatment without involving surgical methods. Without a timely determination of provoking factors, talking about recovery is pointless. Pain with dysplasia is already a consequence, the illness can not be brought to such an advanced stage. Therefore, it is important to know about all the triggering factors, to strengthen vigilance for your health. So, the causes of the disease are as follows:

  • prolonged use of synthetic hormones;
  • HPV infection 16;
  • early sex life;
  • promiscuous sexual intercourse with different partners;
  • more than 3 births;
  • social, hereditary and environmental factors;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • complication of metaplasia;
  • chronic inflammation;
  • progressive pseudo-parakeratosis;
  • the presence of bad habits.

Dysplasia of the neck and HPV

This is one of the most dangerous factors that provokes the occurrence of a characteristic ailment, which can cost the patient life. The threat is as follows: if cervical dysplasia and HPV virus are combined in one clinical picture, the disease proceeds in an asymptomatic form for a long time. You can learn about its existence even after 10 years, when a malignant neoplasm of the cervix is ​​already taking place. At risk are patients who:

  • started an early sex life;
  • had a large number of sexual partners;
  • often pregnant, gave birth;
  • have performed more than one abortion in order to terminate an unwanted pregnancy;
  • don’t use barrier methods of contraception.


Pathology for a long period of time can develop asymptomatically, and a woman learns about structural disorders of squamous epithelium by chance, for example, at a routine physical examination. Such a doctor’s conclusion should not be taken too tragically, since a timely identified pathological process is reversible with adequately prescribed treatment. However, there are specific signs of cervical dysplasia that lead to disturbing thoughts, they make a woman make an appointment with an unscheduled appointment with a local gynecologist. It:

  • itching and burning in the vagina, as with the activity of a pathogenic infection;
  • abnormal discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • blood impurities;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • temperature rise.

There is no pain with cervical dysplasia, but some patients still complain of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, for example, as in the case of PMS. The appearance of a woman’s genitals does not change, so the disease is more often diagnosed in the late stages of the inflammatory process. In modern gynecology, cases of diseases are known when a characteristic ailment was found during pregnancy, and more than once.

Separately, it is worth noting that this disease does not always occur on its own, alarming symptoms are often supplemented by signs of concomitant infections, for example, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts. Therefore, if a diagnosis of cervical dysplasia is made, the local gynecologist will tell you what it is after a detailed instrumental examination in an examination room.

During pregnancy

In gynecology, there have been cases when dysplasia of the cervical epithelium was diagnosed in the “interesting position” of a woman. The condition is dangerous, but it is still not worth rushing to premature conclusions. Dysplasia during pregnancy is not treated conservatively, the specialist chooses observational therapy, and carries out drug correction in case of exacerbation of relapses. The presence of signs of papillomavirus infection must be eliminated in a timely manner, and for this use safe folk remedies as an alternative.

All 9 months a woman should remain under vigilant medical supervision, systematically undergo laboratory tests. It is better for the whole period to lie down for preservation. With well-organized and well-organized medical interventions, the clinical outcome for the patient is favorable, but after the birth she will have to be treated anyway, the doctors do not exclude the operation. After treatment, a long medication is to be taken, a visit to the gynecologist once every 6 months, more often.


The clinical outcome depends entirely on the degree of the disease, diligence and vigilance of the affected women. It is important to understand the danger of cervical dysplasia, and not to start the pathological process, especially when doctors do not exclude the patient’s death among complications. So, with the disease, the following outcome of the disease is possible:

  • 1 degree. After eliminating the pathogenic virus, a health problem is restored even without the participation of drug therapy.
  • 2 degree. There are also chances for self-healing, but the risks are great. To finally recover, a woman for two years will have to medically maintain her general condition.
  • 3 degree. The pathology is complicated, and a cervical biopsy can detect the presence of cancer cells and metastases in the structure of squamous epithelium.

Precancerous condition

This condition is fraught with oncology with metastases, when the only solution is to remove the cervix. If the ovaries are already involved in the pathological process, such structures of the reproductive system are also subject to surgical correction. Cervical precancer is a small chance to save your health, and for this to undergo a complete diagnosis and clearly follow medical instructions. The determining methods for diagnosing a precancerous condition are:

  • biopsy and colposcopy;
  • X-ray examination
  • PAP smear;
  • cytology.

How to treat cervical dysplasia

The main goal of the treatment of dysplasia is to increase the chances of the female body to live, to remove the symptoms of relapse, to preserve the functions of the reproductive system in full. The specialist selects an intensive care regimen together taking into account the characteristics and duration of the ailment. Methods of treating cervical dysplasia include taking medication, conducting physiotherapeutic procedures, and in the complicated clinical picture, organizing surgical intervention.

1 degree

If a moderate recurrence of dysplasia occurs, and the disease has not yet managed to gain momentum, observational therapy is indicated without the appointment of dubious tablets and injections. The mild degree of the disease does not cause concern for their health. This is a very real chance for the body to independently restore its energy potential. Mild dysplasia after diagnosis provides the following areas of intensive care:

  • complete rejection of destructive habits;
  • conducting a routine examination of the gynecologist once every six months;
  • the choice of effective methods of contraception;
  • treatment of the endocrine system in the presence of its lesions.

2 degrees

If this is moderate dysplasia, it is impossible to do without medical prescriptions in such a clinical picture, otherwise dysplasia is gradually transformed into cancer of the cervix, ovaries. The first step is to find and eliminate the pathogenic factor. Self-healing without medication is extremely rare, so do not naively count on a miracle. If moderate cervical dysplasia progresses, effective treatment involves the following areas:

  • Cauterization is similar to cervical erosion to restore the familiar structure of the damaged area of ​​cells.
  • Cryotherapy (exposure to the focus of the pathology of liquid nitrogen and the natural processes of tissue regeneration). In modern gynecology, this method is especially in demand.
  • Radio wave treatment of dysplasia. It is effective and painless, eliminates side effects and complications. The price of the procedure is too high.
  • Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. It excludes the spread of the disease, since it provides for a violation of the integrity of the structure of the affected tissues, their complete excision.

3 degrees

This is a serious illness that can lead to amputation of the cervix. This is explained by the fact that the entire mucous layer of the vagina is covered with atypical cells, which still continue to spread, do not remove their activity. Severe dysplasia threatens with diagnosed infertility, does not exclude the patient’s death without urgent surgical procedures. Severe dysplasia is treated as follows:

  • loop electroconization;
  • hysterectomy;
  • cervical conization;
  • cell proliferation of the basal layer;
  • resection of the ovaries, cervix.

Is it possible to cure cervical dysplasia

All women who have personally encountered such a problem are very worried about the only question: is cervical dysplasia treated or not. In fact, a mild illness does not even require medical involvement, while a serious illness promises the development of squamous cell carcinoma and is fatal. Nevertheless, a successful operation prolongs life, provides a long period of remission in the presence of an already chronic diagnosis. So the answer is obvious – it all depends on timely diagnosis.


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