Physiological changes with menopause

Physiological changes with menopause

So, after the 40-year threshold, women produce much less hormone estrogen in the ovaries. Thus, menstruation begins to go intermittently, go irregularly. They go either too abundantly, or in much smaller quantities. There are also changes in organs and systems, which depend on the production of estrogen. In particular, a woman’s character or mood may change, the elasticity of the skin will decrease, the mucous membrane of the genitals becomes drier, the bone tissue becomes thinner.

Note that each woman experiences this period in her own way. If some women do not particularly notice any serious changes in themselves, then others often note serious physical, and sometimes psychological changes. Various factors influence well-being. Note that most women are happy with the onset of menopause – because now you will no longer have to suffer from PMS and menstruation. Also now you can safely have sex without worrying about contraceptives.

It is also noteworthy that with the end of menstruation, many women normalize their mental health – for example, they become more calm and balanced. If with menopause many physiological diseases worsen, then after it ends they go away. However, most women report negative changes associated with the onset of menopause – chest discomfort, sleep disorders, frequent urination, hysteria, depression, and panic attacks. But the most characteristic property of menopause are hot flashes.

We are talking about sudden flashes that wave and sometimes frighten a woman. In this case, there is increased sweating, red spots appear on the skin, tremor of the extremities is observed, the heart often beats. Hot flashes occur in almost 80% of women who experience menopause. Approximately flashes in duration take from a few seconds to half an hour. Their frequency also varies – if in one woman such an attack occurs only 1 time per month, then in another they will be repeated 5 times a day. Note that hot flashes at night can trigger sleep disorders, and, as a result, problems with concentration, memory, lack of sleep.

At the moment, researchers are studying the mechanism of the occurrence of tides. It was possible to establish that they arise against the background of a drop in the level of hormones that can affect the thermoregulatory functions of the hypothalamus. So far, only hormone therapy can fight such tides. However, studies are underway on other treatment modalities. Note that the lack of treatment, too, after a few years will lead to the disappearance of such attacks. However, for some women, such hot flashes continued for 10 years.

It is noteworthy that changes in menopause apply to the libido of women. If some will experience a strong sexual appetite, then others, on the contrary, do not feel sexual desire. Some women have not seen any changes in this regard. Often women confirm that as a result of menopause they began to gain freedom, since now they are no longer haunted by the fear of an unwanted pregnancy. You should also pay attention to another factor – often sexual cooling is not due to menopause, but because of some external reasons.

For example, serious workloads, misunderstandings or problems in relations with a partner. Thus, the emotional background can also play a role. However, experts are of the opinion that regular sex life can significantly alleviate menopause and menopause. Note that the level of estrogen decreases, which means that the mucous membrane of the genitals becomes much drier. Accordingly, if you have a regular sex life, you should carefully consider this factor – in particular, it is recommended to use lubricants. This will help maintain healthy sexual relationships and reduce the risk of genital injuries.


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