Female sexual arousal disorders

Female sexual arousal disorders

Women often have sex not for the sake of orgasm – the highest point of pleasure, but for other reasons – to get psychological satisfaction, to improve their well-being, to attract a man. There is also a difference in partnerships – if they last for a long period, then a woman rarely feels a desire for intimacy, however, with each new partner, sexual desire increases.

In the physiological processes of the sexual reaction, the hormonal background, regulation by the central nervous system, physical activation and orgasm play an important role. In particular, the presence of androgens and estrogens has an effect. In the postmenopausal period, androgens by the ovaries are produced at the same level, while the adrenal glands begin to produce this hormone already less intensively. Also, during menopause, estrogen levels decrease, which affects libido.

When excited in women, brain regions are activated that are responsible for the manifestation of emotions, blood supply to the genitals, and cognition. Neurotransmitters that act on some receptors also take part in the process. In particular, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine are involved in the excitation process.

Then comes the genital arousal, which is a reflex reaction – a lubricant is released, blood rushes to the genitals. At the peak of excitement, an orgasm occurs, which is characterized by a rapid contraction of the muscles of the pelvic floor. In the process of orgasm, prolactin, antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin are released, which affects the sensation of pleasant fatigue, satisfaction and relaxation. Unfortunately, for many women this feeling remains unfamiliar due to various psychological and physiological reasons.

Causes of Sexual Arousal Disorders in Women

Psychological and physiological causes are often interconnected – pathologies in the body can occur due to mental disorder, anxiety, fears and the formation of phobias, and vice versa.

The main reason remains a violation of the psychosexual development of a woman – in particular, negative experience in sex, after which guilt, shame and reduced self-esteem are formed.

It also matters whether the trauma in the childhood period was emotional, physical or intimate. If a girl received a psychophysical injury in childhood, in adulthood, she learns to hide emotions, which leads to stiffness in sex, the inability to achieve orgasm.

Stressful situation – for example, the loss of loved ones, loved ones in childhood and adolescence. In the future, a woman may experience difficulties with sexual desire, because of a subconscious fear of losing a loved one.
Such patients are characterized by frequent anxiety, increased anxiety, low self-esteem, mood swings. Experts also identify a number of contextual psychological causes that can lead to disorders of sexual arousal. It:

  • reduced sexual attractiveness of a regular partner (different reasons – inappropriate behavior, increased attention to it from other women);
  • stressful situations (problems at work, difficult financial situation, cultural restrictions);
  • fear of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, erectile dysfunction in a partner.

The medical causes of sexual dysfunction are:

  • chronic fatigue against the background of other pathologies;
  • hyperprolactinemia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • surgical removal of ovaries
  • atrophic vaginitis;
  • psychiatric disorders (depression).

External causes include taking a number of drugs – for example, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, beta-blockers, hormones, as well as various types of addictions.

Forms of Sexual Arousal Disorders in Women

Sexual arousal disorders can be:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • heavy;
  • moderate.

By categories, they are defined as:

1. Genital. In this case, the subjective arousal that occurs with extragenital stimulation (when watching erotic videos) remains normal. In this case, the subjective excitement that should occur during sexual intercourse, there is no rush of blood to the genitals during sex. Such disorders are especially characteristic of women in the postmenopausal period, as well as in women in the absence of diversity in sexual life.

2. Combined. As for the combined disorders, the subjective activation of excitation for any stimulation is either absent or remains extremely low. At the same time, a woman cannot fully understand the problem.

3. Subjective. Violations are manifested by subjective activation of any kind of sexual arousal – when dancing, kissing, watching erotic films, stimulating the genitals. Patients with the presented disorders in response to external stimulation either do not respond, or the reaction is very weak. In this case, the woman is familiar with normal sexual arousal.


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