Treatment of pancreatitis with antibiotics

Treatment of pancreatitis with antibiotics

The appointment of antibiotics for pancreatitis is associated with a combination of inflammation caused by the release of excessive enzymes that melt the tissue, with an attached infection from the intestines, gall bladder.

At the same time, the risk of infection increases significantly and pancreatitis is complicated by a septic state, peritonitis, retroperitoneal abscess or phlegmon. A severe course of pancreatic inflammation is observed in every fifth case. To determine which drug should be taken in a particular case can only be a doctor.

When are antimicrobials suitable?

Antibacterial drugs should be treated with due attention in connection with the likely side effects, inhibition of the intestinal flora. Therefore, there must be clear indications for prescribing antibiotics. These include:

obtaining during the examination of undeniable data on the inflammatory process in the glandular tissues, neighboring organs (cholecystitis), the intestines;

  • stagnation of bile, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and ducts;
  • the risk of the spread of infection and bacterial complications, which increases in the presence of cholangitis, cysts in the body of the gland, pancreatic necrosis;
  • suspicion of rupture of the main duct in the glandular tissue;
  • the appearance of signs of inflammation in the surrounding tissues.

It is currently prohibited to use antibiotics for preventive purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages of antibiotics

The selection of antibiotics requires knowledge of the mechanism of action. It is impossible to suppress pathogenic flora by other drugs. Lost time will lead a patient with acute pancreatitis to necrosis and death from severe intoxication, which is almost impossible to cope with other drugs.

Negative manifestations include:

  • the possibility of developing hypersensitivity with allergic manifestations (skin rash, itching, swelling of the face, runny nose, asthma attack);
  • toxic effects on the liver and kidneys when the dosage is exceeded, while the patient is taking alcoholic beverages;
  • unwanted increased action of other medicines that the patient takes (for example, blood thinners);
  • dizziness, nausea, hearing loss are often caused by the action of antibiotics on the vestibular apparatus of the brain;
  • imbalance of the intestinal flora leads to the need to take probiotics and prebiotic drugs to restore digestion after a course of antibiotics.

Antibiotics are a special type of drug. They are obtained from natural or synthetic raw materials. Act on living microorganisms. Different classes differ in the mechanism of influence. The most powerful drugs kill pathogenic microbes.

Others violate the metabolism, the construction of cell membranes and thereby disorganize the metabolism so that they create unacceptable conditions for the life of the microbe.

Unfortunately, drugs can also affect the desired microflora, cells of the nervous system, liver, and kidneys. Toxic substances impede the functioning of the internal organs of a person, cause poisoning and require additional purification of the body.

The disadvantages of antibiotic treatment include the ability to cause resistance of pathogenic flora. Rather, it is a matter of addiction to microorganisms, but as a result, whole classes are lost from possible drugs. The problem of resistance is being studied by scientists around the world.

Like other medicines, antibiotics can cause an allergic reaction in an individual patient. With a high frequency of allergenicity, drugs are excluded from practice.

Rules for the use of antibiotics

Treatment of pancreatitis with antibiotics is carried out in accordance with the general rules of therapy. If there is no data on the microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed. Upon receipt of a conclusion, an analysis tank for flora uses the most optimally acting antibiotic.

Before use, an intradermal test is placed to identify hypersensitivity of the body and prevent an allergic reaction. Dosage is calculated on the weight and age of the patient.

Antibiotics for pancreatitis in adults and children are prescribed in a course of 7-10 days, independently shortening or lengthening the duration of treatment, patients do irreparable harm to their body, since sensitivity to the chosen drug is lost.

It is necessary to take into account the correspondence of the administration form to the patient’s condition; in severe cases, only the injection method is recommended (intramuscularly and intravenously) due to vomiting, low intestinal absorption, patients drink tablets with improvement.

The multiplicity of receptions is due to the need to maintain a constant sufficient therapeutic dosage in the body, so the doctor focuses on data on the rate of accumulation and excretion. The principle of drug interaction, amplification or the opposite direction of influence is taken into account.

Do not use antibiotics that have a high toxic effect on the liver, kidneys. Antibacterial drugs are used in a comprehensive treatment regimen.

The doctor can judge the presence of an infectious complication by the increase in temperature in the patient, the intensification of the pain syndrome.

Antibiotics for acute pancreatitis

Pathological changes in acute pancreatitis begin with stagnation of the secret, containing powerful enzymes inside the glandular tissue, and the development of self-digestion of the organ. In response, immune cells accumulate in the peritoneum, providing aseptic (without the participation of microbes) inflammation to delimit the process.

But conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (Escherichia coli) located in the intestine, taking advantage of the case of a weakening of protective properties, turn into serious causative agents of infectious inflammation and complicate the course of pancreatitis.

The human body requires additional efforts for the struggle, which he does not have. In this situation, only antibacterial agents can help. Broad-spectrum drugs are used. They are administered intravenously and intraperitoneally.

In the acute process, the effectiveness of treatment and the outcome of the disease largely depend on the initiation of antibiotic treatment. Delayed use threatens the patient’s life.

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