What to do if, against the background of menopause, the usual sleep regimen is disturbed?
What to do if, against the background of menopause, the usual sleep regimen is disturbed? How to deal with depression? And will sedative pills relieve problems?
Many women during menopause are faced with a problem such as sleep disorder. Someone in the evening can not fall asleep at the usual time. Someone wakes up no light or dawn. And during the day, on the contrary, the woman has drowsiness and a desire to take a nap. What to do in such a situation?
Hormonal remodeling is a great biological stress for the female body. This period coincides with a certain age, when much in a woman’s life changes. Sometimes – over time, when retirement is planned or professional activity is already completed. By this time, children grow up and begin to leave their native nest. And there is a coincidence of two serious factors – biological and psychological, social.
But when the hormonal status changes, the body begins to malfunction in terms of adaptation. There are so-called premenopausal and climacteric psychological disorders. They can be of an alarming or depressive plan when mood changes. Sleep disturbance can be associated with anxiety and depression. But a woman often deduces her bad mood only from some external events. For example, the children grew up – the daughter got married, the son got married – they have their own work, their own life. Everything seems to be fine. And the parental home was depopulated. There is an empty nest syndrome. Against the background of menopause, this can be one of the triggering factors when mood worsens. The woman believes that everything is due to this external factor. In fact, she develops menopausal depression.
The same goes for sleep. In the mind of a woman, a kind of feedback arises – it’s not good for me, because sleep is disturbed. And sleep, as a rule, is disturbed after climacteric mental disorders of an anxiety-depressive nature.
The most commonplace events are perceived very sharply. A man has retired – but it turns out to be a terrible stress. Because the usual rhythm of life, professional and social ties have disappeared. And this mundane event can lead to sleep disturbance. Just because there used to be a certain mode when a person went to work – and now there is no need to get up on an alarm clock.
And in the afternoon there is a desire to get a dream. And he gets it. Nor does it take into account these daytime hours. And he wants to sleep at night the same 6-8 hours, as usual. And it seems to a person that he slept little at night, although in a day he chose his watch.
That with age “owls” can become “larks” is a scientific fact. And if this happens against the background of menopause, then, apparently, you need to accept and integrate into this new mode?
Here you need to understand what is associated with a change in sleep. When it comes to pathological menopause and problem sleep is associated with this, it is necessary, first of all, to focus on depression.
Another thing is if the dream is disturbed due to a change in the usual daily routine when a woman ceases her professional activities during this period. The best recommendation would be – despite the fact that professional activities have been discontinued, still maintain the usual daily routine.
And if sleep is disturbed due to depression on the background of menopause? What to do in this case?
First of all, ask yourself whether sleep disturbance only occurs. For example, in addition to insomnia, there are still problems with mood. The woman is more sad, upset over trifles. Her desire to do something, to go somewhere — to the cinema or to visit disappears. Less is the need for communication. These things are already alarming. We can say that this is a pathological menopause. And in such situations, you need to see a doctor.
To which?
To the gynecologist. But it is better to contact a neurologist, because, first of all, you need to work with a mood disorder.
Second moment. If none of this exists and some sleep disturbances are more associated with a change in the usual routine of life, then sleep hygiene should be established.
Is it possible to somehow compensate for this depressive state, when everything is annoying, nothing pleases? What does a woman do – do hobbies? Have a cat? Flowers to grow?
Hobbies are a very good opportunity to resist stress. Along with the normalization of biological factors, social support also plays an important role. A hobby is one of the most important factors of such social support. The more interests a person has in life, the more social contacts he has, the better he copes with his problems.
Probably, you need to mentally prepare for this period. At any age, there are charms and you need to maximize their use. Do not give up. Or assume that life is over. In any age period, you can find a place of joy.
How common is the pathological course of menopause? Is this an occasion to see a doctor?
Approximately 20% of women experience pathological symptoms such as hot flashes. Someone is going through this period without resorting to any medications. Someone is running. It all depends on the severity of these symptoms.
And when psychosomatic symptoms appear – mood disorders, sleep disturbances associated with them – then they are certainly better treated. Because it will affect future life. Disorders of the anxiety-depressive spectrum are an independent risk factor for the development of various diseases. For example, the cardiovascular system. If there are pain points in the body, then the pain will be felt more acutely. And previously acquired diseases will go into the chronic stage. After all, everything is interconnected in the body, and psychological symptoms directly affect health.
Can you try to bring yourself to life? To drink sedatives, herbal balms, teas?
Oh sure. If a woman feels that she has become more irritable, is less able to cope with the usual loads, then you can resort to over-the-counter medications of a calming series. I think most women do that. But everyone should understand that if the situation does not improve within two weeks, then it’s better to consult a specialist. We are talking about the quality of life.