Psychological changes – what happens to a woman experiencing menopause?

Psychological changes – what happens to a woman experiencing menopause?

Many patients note that with the onset of menopause, they experienced certain difficulties – in particular, their ability to work dropped significantly, a certain apathy and laziness arose. Experts say that this is a natural shield exposed by nature – the body needs strength to survive this period. So, he cannot afford to spend energy on less significant goals. Note that in many ways the symptoms also resemble PMS – women become prone to hysteria, tearful, nervous and irritable, and can become depressed. The level of anxiety in the body also increases, outbreaks of rage happen. Thus, the body is experiencing severe stress.

Psychologists also agree that each woman experiences climacteric manifestations in her own way. And in many respects this condition depends on the psychological status – if a woman is confident in herself, she is self-fulfilling, then the perception will be positive, she will experience it as something natural. If she is depressed, she has low self-esteem, she is not realized in society, then she will perceive menopause as something terrible, like the horror of aging and retirement age. In such a difficult period, psychologists recommend that loved ones provide support and care – do not be critical of her nervousness, irritability, and depreciate her condition. It is necessary to understand that all that she experiences is not a whim, but hormonal changes, and she herself cannot influence the situation. In many ways, some new hobby, plans for the future, save women.

At the same time, if apathy and depressive mood dragged on – you may need the help of a good psychotherapist. Unfortunately, our culture perceives menopause as something negative, as some kind of personal dissatisfaction with life and oneself. Thus, women who were in this period perceive their condition in the darkest colors – it seems to them that they are very old, they do not see any prospects for themselves in the foreseeable future. A woman looks in the mirror and realizes that she does not meet the standards of beauty, and this seriously affects her mood – she no longer feels attractive, and often against the background of all this falls into a serious and prolonged depression.

Thus, she ceases to perceive herself, closes herself from everyone, and this often provokes serious psychological problems with menopause. Also note that at the reception, various specialists often do not have sufficient support and attention to her condition. Doctors often attribute the symptoms of a psychological disorder to age-related changes, which can also aggravate her condition. Thus, this results in a suppressed closed state, in which women begin to hide from others their anxiety, anxiety, depression, and fears. They no longer go to the doctors, do not complain to relatives and friends, they are afraid that others may begin to perceive her as a aching old woman. The fear of condemnation and ridicule begins to develop. Note that experts often say that in this period a woman needs the support of people close to her.

The medical idea of ​​some of the features of menopause has also changed – in particular, doctors have ceased to believe that it is menopause that causes problems with the heart and blood vessels. At the same time, the connection between memory problems and menopause was also canceled. Psychologists note another important factor – the cult of motherhood is so elevated in our society that many women, having lost the ability to give birth at the age of 45-50, still begin to worry that they will no longer be able to give birth to a child. There is also positive news – many patients perceive menopause as an opportunity to free themselves. So, about 40% of women believe that menopause and menopause abolished the need to survive bleeding once a month.

Note that only about 3% of women expressed regret about outgoing fertility. At the same time, 20% of women said that they have mixed feelings – on the one hand, there is some regret, on the other – there is joy. In other studies, about 75% of women were glad that they no longer had to go through menstruation.

It is also important to note that many women do not associate menopause with the condition described in the media and the media. Note that in European culture, menopause is often perceived as a deterioration in health and the onset of aging, while in most Asian countries women often look forward to this period, because they no longer have to suffer from menstrual pains and mood swings, and also do not have to be afraid of the onset pregnancy.

Note that in modern psychology, the perception of menopause as a natural period, which differs in its features, is already formed, just like a transitional teenage period or pregnancy. It is noteworthy that now there are no methods that could at least approximately determine at what age your menopausal syndrome will come to you. Nevertheless, researchers are inclined to believe that the hereditary factor is of great importance – if the mother and grandmothers have menopause at an early age, then there is a high probability that a woman will also have it at about the same age.

Also, some scientists believe that alcohol abuse, harmful work, chronic intoxication as a result of poor ecology and work in harmful enterprises can also lead to an early menopause. Nevertheless, this should not be considered as a pathological deviation – menopause at any time is a natural process.

Researchers also recommend caution with hormonal therapy for menopause – if improperly selected, it can harm, for example, provoke cardiac and vascular pathologies, cancer. The appointment of hormones is not recommended “for everyone”, such treatment should be attributed carefully. Doctors prescribe hormone therapy only to women who have serious changes that affect the quality of life. For some, it is prescribed only in limited dosages, and for some it is not indicated at all.


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