Health during and after menopause

Health during and after menopause

Of course, everything that we said above does not, in fact, resemble health. Climax is a completely natural and normal process. It’s just that it can end for some reason with such a number of diseases that it’s just that your eyes run wide – as if in front of a supermarket window. And this is without taking into account all the risks that it simply increases significantly, although it does not make it almost inevitable …

In fact, some of the pathologies that are quite likely during the period of menopause or postmenopause have ripened for a long time and only looked for a convenient reason to appear. And still part we almost certainly manage to “earn” ourselves, on our own initiative. After all, were we so healthy in our youth? Have we come to this period in such an impeccable form? If so, then menopause will most likely pass without any special complications. And later on, it will be enough for us to only slightly restructure the tactics of self-care – however, in all senses of the word “care”.

And if we did not come to this stage so much as arrived in a wheelchair, then what successes we have achieved in the health field so far, the same ones are waiting for us in the future. They are waiting if we do not finally pull ourselves together and understand that without our precious body there will be no career, no success, no money. There will be only an incorporeal soul, which does not need all this and which has completely different concerns. Yes, probably just those about whom we have the same vague idea, as well as about the needs of the body.

The main method of compensating for menopause and its consequences, which official medicine can offer us, is to take hormonal drugs both internally and externally. The method of admission here depends on how large-scale the effect we need, that is, what set of problems of all of the above are observed personally with us. Indications for oral hormonal therapy are early and late menopause, a number of severe disorders from several separate systems. As a rule, the most dangerous and, therefore, requiring compensation situation is considered a clear, rapid deterioration of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

And local therapy is better suited to solve local problems – including if they reflect a deterioration in the performance of the entire system to which they relate. For example, they will try to dissuade us from general therapy in case of aggravation of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. Or if we have a disorder only of the activity of the spinal column, but not of the brain. However, at present, there is a whole line of medical thought that considers menopause itself as a pathology. As a chronic pathology requiring constant compensation – from the moment of occurrence to the end of days.

This new approach to the well-known, studied, natural process is especially common in Western countries. Hence the Europeans’ great habit of hormonal cosmetics, and the general best development of this trend in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. But I must say that such an approach as a whole does not look reasonable.

By all indications, menopause is really normal and laid down in us by nature itself – in the DNA chromosomes of any organism. She herself is not a disease, although it can aggravate or cause them. Most likely, this course of scientific thought arose as another large-scale experiment. The experiment, which is based on the question “What will happen if you cancel the menopause?”.

It is quite possible that medicine at the same time is trying empirically to establish whether “prolonged youth” prolongs life. There is no problem in her research or their direction – let him seek whatever he wants. The problem is that it is theoretically impossible to assess all the risks of “protracted youth” or give the most likely answer to the initial question. That is, everything will indeed have to be put into practice – on us. In other words, we are talking about a new attempt to defeat death, but no one simply does not guarantee us any victory – it does not even promise that this is possible.

We already know several similar actions that have taken place in the past. The first among them was the cholesterol campaign launched by the United States between World War I and World War II. Many of us can still experience its “echoes” on ourselves, since no one has ever refused the theory of “harmful and excess” cholesterol. Only modifications of the look appeared – about “bad” and “good” cholesterol.

And the truth about this substance, known to everyone who is not inclined to take anyone’s word without checking, is such that “good” and “bad”, and in general any cholesterol, is produced by our own liver. More precisely, it enters the body with food and is simultaneously produced in the liver. The cholesterol that came with food directly from the intestine is also sent not to the bloodstream, but to the liver for processing.

Cholesterol as a substance is always the same – the same molecules with the same properties. But “good” and “bad” are the names of different protein containers into which the liver packs its molecules. They do behave a little differently in the bloodstream. But, as we see, the liver or the container itself — the proteins that make it up — can still be somehow “to blame” for this. To blame for some biologically, so to speak, illegal actions, a substance that simply in fact does not come into contact with either the blood or the vessel wall, is both incorrect, naive, and unscientific. This is the same as blaming the appearance of a malignant tumor of the patient himself from whom they found her. It was as if he could somehow influence a process about which nothing is known to him, or to world oncology in general!

Of course, the initial, obvious inadequacy of the approach predetermined the outcome of this venture. First, nutrition developed low-cholesterol diets and foods, and pharmaceuticals released a number of drugs that suppress cholesterol absorption from food. Of course, this didn’t help anyone, because the liver itself produces this substance – and with great success. But science has found that in case of need, this body can increase its synthesis by 35% and even sometimes higher.


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