Antibiotics for diarrhea

Antibiotics for diarrhea

If a person visits the toilet to empty the intestines more than three times, then we can talk about diarrhea. It can occur in various pathological processes that occur not only in the gastrointestinal tract.

With a serious illness, a person cannot go far from the toilet, because the urge arises quickly and 20-30 times a day. But antibiotics for diarrhea are prescribed in exceptional cases, and only when the infection is acute.

Antibiotics are prescribed only if diarrhea is caused by a bacterial infection, for example, cholera, salmonellosis, dysentery. The drug is necessary to destroy the pathogenic microflora that develops in the gastrointestinal tract.

When poisoning with stale products, toxins penetrate into the digestive tract, which the body tries to remove with the help of vomiting and diarrhea. In this case, an antibiotic is not required. Sorbents are prescribed that bind toxins and bring out, this helps stop diarrhea.

With viral diseases, antibiotics are useless, as they are unable to somehow influence the life cycle of the virus. Antiviral medications will be required to cure diarrhea. A helminth located in the intestine during the life process releases toxins, which lead to intoxication or to a violation of the integrity of the intestinal wall. Treatment is required with anthelmintic drugs and is carried out for a long time to destroy not only adults, but also larvae.

It is forbidden to take antibacterial drugs with antibiotic-associated diarrhea, that is, stool disorders caused by drug therapy. Broad-spectrum antibiotics kill not only pathogenic flora, but also beneficial.

Therefore, against the background of prolonged use of antibiotics, the intestinal microflora changes, which provokes the appearance of diarrhea. A similar condition occurs after the colonization of the intestines with beneficial bacteria. This process can be accelerated by taking probiotics, consuming a lot of dairy products.

Signs of a bacterial infection

According to statistics, most often people have diarrhea as a result of a bacterial infection. It can enter the body with contaminated water, unwashed products, as a result of non-observance of basic hygiene.

The doctor will prescribe an antibiotic if the patient has the following symptoms:

  • copious discharge;
  • loose stools with green spots or green mucus;
  • a lot of mucus is produced;
  • there is blood discharge.

If you notice that diarrhea with blood has begun, then urgently need to seek medical help. A similar symptom is very alarming, it can indicate a tumor in the intestine, hemorrhoids, or Crohn’s disease.

When an antibiotic is needed for diarrhea

The following diseases require an antibiotic for diarrhea.


The causative agent is Shegella, the toxins of which affect the colon. Infection occurs by contact-household, water and alimentary routes. The disease is manifested by abdominal pain, dysentery, hyperthermia, lethargy.

With an average degree of flow, the frequency of the stool can reach 20 times a day, and while there is content in the intestines, feces with mucus, pus and blood come out, then only mucus and blood come out. The acute stage can last from 4 to 30 days.


Inadequate hygiene can lead to salmonella infection. The bacterium multiplies in the colon and releases a toxin, which disrupts vascular tone, leads to fluid loss and damage the nervous system. A hallmark of the disease is frequent watery stools. With a mild infection and in the absence of blood in the stool, antibiotics are not prescribed.

Typhoid fever

Bacilli infect the intestinal mucosa and disrupt its peristalsis. The bacteria circulating in the bloodstream partially die, which leads to the release of endotoxin (if there is a lot of it, then the patient may have an infectious toxic shock).

Symptoms of the disease are pallor of the skin, decreased appetite, headache, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, hyperthermia, a rash appears. In severe cases, hallucinations, delusions, lethargy are possible.


The disease is epidemiological in nature. Infection occurs through contaminated water and food, flies are also carriers of infection. Cholera toxin with a mild form of the disease can cause single vomiting and diarrhea, severe thirst, weakness. In severe cases, the stool is more than 20 times a day, there is no abdominal pain, frequent vomiting, muscle cramps appear, the patient cannot quench his thirst. Death can occur within 2 days.


Pathogenic bacillus affects the small intestine, while a pronounced intoxication syndrome may be absent. The patient feels weak, the temperature is normal or slightly elevated, the pain in the abdomen is cramping, the stool is fluid, plentiful, after which it becomes fecal, watery. Why diarrhea occurred and how to treat it should be determined by the doctor. The patient is assigned to take blood and feces for analysis. If diarrhea has an unclear etiology, then symptomatic therapy is performed.

What antibiotic to drink with bacterial diarrhea

The choice of antibiotic depends on the cause of the stool disorder. The goal of antibiotic therapy is to destroy the pathogenic microflora and restore the intestines functionality. Also, the treatment regimen may include sulfanilamide, antiseptic drugs, agents to normalize intestinal microflora, probiotics, peristalsis and secretion inhibitors, antidiarrheal, astringent and enveloping drugs.

Which antibiotics are more appropriate to take will be determined by the doctor, based not only on the symptoms of the disease, but also taking into account the patient’s gastrointestinal tract and previous antibiotic therapy. Treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis or in a hospital, provided that the patient is shown injections.

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