17 secrets that your gynecologist will not tell

17 secrets that your gynecologist will not tell

Examination of the reproductive system for women after 20 years is an obligatory annual procedure. Many seriously delay a visit to the gynecologist only because they have prejudices and fears. To dispel them will help a few important secrets that experts share.

Your doctor doesn’t care if you do hair removal or not.

The attention of the gynecologist during the examination is focused on the condition of the genitals. He is not interested in how a woman takes care of herself, if she managed to remove excess hair from the bikini zone and legs or not. Many doctors admit that they do not even notice the presence or absence of hair removal, because this does not affect the examination process and its quality.

There is nothing sexual to inspect

Attitude to patients and thoughts during the reception are those secrets that your gynecologist will not tell. They can surprise many people, because the doctor does not perceive a single body in front of him as a sexual object. He sees the “material” to be studied. A young specialist has an awkwardness, an interest in a naked body, but when several dozen patients have to be taken on a day, the reactions turn off and the examination turns into a familiar routine.

Before visiting a gynecologist, you need to take a shower

Be sure to wash yourself before the examination. Intimate care will make the procedure comfortable and the results reliable. Only plain soap and warm water are required. It is better to refuse to use special means for intimate hygiene. According to doctors, aromatic sprays and gels violate the natural pH, worsen the vaginal microflora. This makes it difficult to make a diagnosis, can cause diseases of the genitals.

Male gynecologists sometimes find patients attractive

Not all doctors look at a woman in their office as an asexual creature that needs to be examined. But do not be afraid of harassment or continued acquaintance after inspection. Such things will cost the doctor his career. The only thing that gives recognition of the attractiveness of a woman in a chair is an increased focus on business and zeal.

Doctors don’t like when patients diagnose themselves online

Attempts to find similar symptoms in open sources rarely bring relief. More often they only increase the excitement, confuse them, because they introduce the patient immediately to a dozen diagnoses. Many of them are very frightening. Medical advice on the Internet is better to get only to clarify minor issues, but not to try to identify the disease. Leave this task to the doctor, who will personally conduct a full diagnosis.

Accessories for decorating the bikini zone is bad

If gynecologists still allow staining of pubic hair, then other attempts to create beauty on the genitals are not. This is often a very dangerous move, the consequences of which may come after some time. Labia piercing, shine and other accessories can cause a violation of the microflora of the vagina, severe inflammatory processes.

Childbirth is not always beautiful

Pregnancy is a sacred and important time for a woman. Having a baby is difficult for both the mother and the doctor. Complications during childbirth, problems with cesarean section are secrets that your gynecologist will not tell. This can injure the psyche of a woman. Even if there are risks of a poor outcome, the doctor must configure the patient that she can give birth without problems.

Itching and discharge are not always symptoms of a fungal infection.

If there is no unpleasant odor and strong reddening of the vagina, it is highly likely that problems arose due to irritation of the mucosa. The cause may be a sexually transmitted disease or improper care of the intimate area. Before you panic and look for a cure for the fungus, wait for the comments of the gynecologist.

People do strange things during the inspection.

According to doctors, some patients behave strangely in a gynecological chair. Some try to distract themselves from uncomfortable sensations by starting a conversation on abstract topics, while others begin to actively chat with each other over the telephone — and these are ordinary things.

Do not be surprised if the visit to the gynecologist is short

When a person is healthy and comes for a monthly examination, the procedure, along with the collection of oral data, can take only 10-15 minutes. This does not mean poor competence of the doctor. If he has a lot of experience, he quickly copes with a basic examination. Only the annual examination or diagnosis of a person with health problems lasts longer.

Some patients lack contraceptive knowledge

Due to the lack of sex education, not all people understand how modern methods of protection work, why condoms and pills cannot be ignored. Gynecologists say that there are patients who try ridiculous methods of “folk contraception.” This leads to an unwanted pregnancy, provokes health problems.

The survey is not only aimed at assessing the health of reproductive organs

Gynecologists pay attention to the state of the whole organism. When they try to solve the patient’s problem in the genital area, they not only take tests, but also study the accompanying points. This is the condition of the pelvic muscles, stress factors, changes in life, mood and even diet.

Gynecologists find it harder to find work

Often patients feel uncomfortable if their genitals are examined by a doctor of the opposite sex. To exclude discomfort, many clinics refuse to take a man to the post of gynecologist, even if he has extensive experience. Less often, the situation is decided this way: for the calm of patients, a female nurse is additionally invited for examination. You can seek help from her if you are uncomfortable discussing intimate issues with a male doctor.

On examination, it doesn’t matter if you have your period

The presence of bleeding does not bother the gynecologist, so you do not need to cancel the appointment. The main thing is to tell the doctor about menstruation. If he was going to carry out some tests, he will transfer them if necessary – the presence of blood on the mucous membrane can distort the results.

Swabs can cause health problems.

This is a very convenient but dangerous hygiene product for many women. If it is used incorrectly, there is a risk of irritation of the mucosa, inflammation of the vagina, and even blood poisoning. Gynecologists advise using tampons carefully and very rarely.

Grateful patients make work worthy

Even if the visit to the gynecologist is planned, and there are no health problems, say “thank you” to him. This is one of those doctors who appreciates his work when he sees a happy patient. Especially when it comes to women who are trying to become pregnant or have long treated diseases of the reproductive system. Gratitude from them is doubly pleasant.


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