Drugs to increase potency in women

Drugs to increase potency in women

A modern lifestyle provokes constant stresses and experiences that negatively affect the state of women’s health. The libido is broken, the woman ceases to enjoy intimate relationships. Special preparations for activating potency in women will help to correct this situation: gels, drops, tablets, creams. They have a positive effect on sexual desire, a woman begins to experience an orgasm, but they should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Potency problems in women should be addressed in conjunction with psychological counseling.

What is potency

In men and women, the ability to have sexual intercourse is called potency. Basically, this word is applied to men, but women also have potency (libido). Potency is a set of characteristics of the human body that relate to sexual intercourse (duration, level of sexual activity).

The problem with potency in women is very common not only in middle age, unlike men, but also in young people. Psychological problems or diseases of the reproductive system may be associated with this. A large number of factors affect libido, for example, nutrition, daily routine, psychological state, relationships with a man. To normalize female libido, you need to act in a complex way – not only medically, but also psychologically, because it is very difficult to return the desire for intimacy.

How to increase libido in women

In this matter, many factors of life must be taken into account. A major obstacle to high libido and a lack of need for sex are internal diseases and psychological problems. First you need to solve health problems, treat chronic diseases and put your body in order. Then it is necessary to restore the diet so that all the necessary vitamins and elements are included in the diet. You should also say goodbye to bad habits – alcohol, smoking adversely affect the reproductive system.

When working on raising libido, you need to remember the psychological side of the problem – the potency in women disappears due to self-dislike and lack of harmonious relationships with a partner. In order to correct the situation, you need to gain self-confidence and love your body, correcting flaws to get rid of complexes. In advanced situations, doctors recommend starting to take special medications to increase potency in women.

Potency Enhancers

Depending on the nature of the diseases that caused the woman to decrease libido, appropriate medications are prescribed. They are aimed at improving blood circulation in the female genital organs, which helps the release of lubricant and excitement. In pharmacies, you can still find dietary supplements, the effect of which begins almost immediately after use and lasts no more than 9 hours. Such drugs to increase libido in women do not adversely affect the reproductive system, because they contain only natural components.

Some drugs have an effect immediately on the ovaries, providing a high level of production of the female sex hormone estrogen. Thanks to this, a woman gets the opportunity to experience an orgasm much stronger, with stimulation of the genitals, sensitivity increases. The effect of such a remedy persists for a day and begins to work 5 minutes after use. Any drug, regardless of its action, should be drunk only as directed by a doctor.


When choosing drugs to increase female libido, you must take into account their mechanism of action on the body. Such tablets consist of dry extracts of herbs, medicinal plants, for example:

  • stimulates the supply of blood to the genitals, the labia and clitoris increase in size;
  • enhances the release of natural lubrication into the vagina;
  • gradually increases the chance to get a bright orgasm by 6 times;
  • increases sexual desire;
  • benefits hormones.

Such drugs help to relax before sexual intercourse, increases the sensitivity of the external genitalia, provides a bright orgasm. This drug is recommended for use with low sensitivity and lack of natural lubrication. The course of treatment should be determined only by the sex therapist.

How to choose a pill

In order to choose the right medication to increase the potency of a woman, you need to be guided by some rules. First, before buying a product, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and make sure the safety of the drug in each individual case. Another choice of means depends on the desired effect and duration of action. There are tablets with instant action that occurs 5 minutes after consumption, and there are those that have a cumulative effect.

Before choosing a remedy, you need to make sure that the patient does not have the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding;
  • children under 18 years old;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia, anemia);
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • high blood pressure.

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